This post will focus on how to find high PR domains to populate with content (using an article spinner?) and build links for my first niche website. or prpowershot ($50/month) lets you see PR 2-4 domains on go daddy right before they expire. So you can hop on the auction and get them for way cheaper. PR 3 domains can go for ~$90. I will be going deeper into finding high PR domains later.
Get 3-4 sites in your network to start out.
Step 1: Poking a Niche
Test to see how fast you can rank a niche. This is a way to validate your keyword research.
Set up the site then send 2-3 PR 5 links to it from a link broker (check digital point). Cost $50. (How to backlink guide) These links get indexed within a few hours. If you did you keyword research right you should see your site on the bottom of the first page or somewhere on the second within about 3 days.
If your site jumps to the 4th page or beyond, your keyword research needs tweaking.
This quickly tells us if our first niche website will be: Easy to rank, provide a fast return, worth perusing further. If your site jumps to first or second page, you should be able to rank top 4 on first page in a couple weeks and get the first spot most of the time.
Picking Good High PR Links
When using digital point to buy links, ask the seller for a link to the website you’re getting a link from.
- Make sure the site has these things:
- A large link profile (1k is great, 10k is awesome, 100k is epic)
- Low amount of outbound links
- No adult or gambling links
- Your link goes on the home page with the PR
The low cost less effective option is replaceing these PR links with high PR bookmarks.
Here is a list of high PR social bookmarking sites you can submit to manually with their PRS: 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7.
When linking to these sites use the following anchor text pattern. (In my case my keyword is ‘what is 3d printing.’)
30% – Main Keyword (what is 3d printing)
30% – Related keyword (3d printing technology trends)
30% – Distant related keyword (additive manufacturing)
Step 2: Growing Phase
After you poke the niche and see positive results, stop.
Give your sites a couple weeks to a month to just sit. If you did your keyword research right and got good PR links you will usually see your site float to the top 4. This waiting period helps your site to gain trust with google.
During this time
During this time you can simulate your site spreading socially. Do this by buying retweets and page likes off fiverr by searching for “retweets” and “Likes.” Getting about 1000 of each will give great results.
Step 3: Consistent Link Building
According to Alex Becker, there are two routes to building a consistent flow of links.
Route 1: Buy more PR
After poking a site and seeing good results. If you have a budget, but 2 more PR links every week. The site should rank top 4 if not first in about 2 weeks.
This way is preferred over building mass links because the links are controllable. So if the site tanks because one of your PR links goes down, you can yank the links of the damaged site and be %100 good with Google again. It’s safe link building. Its more expensive but crushes when it comes to ranking sites for uncompetitive terms.
Route 2: Build consistent links
Load up Ultimate Demon, or Senuke “if you’re a bad mofo.” Then use the tools to post on PR 1+ Sites. Each tool comes with a set list of sites to use that have decent PR. Stick to those sites in the beginning.
Pattern to follow:
Mon: Build 10-20 2.0s
Tues: Build 10-20 Bookmarks
Wed: Build 10 article Links
Thurs: Build 10 PDF links
Fri: Build 10-20 wiki links
Sat: Build social profiles in your 2.0 sites then build bookmarks to your PDF, Wiki and article links making an effective, safe pyramid.
Make anchor text 30% main and related keywords, 30% synonyms and 30% Misc (click here, more info, URL).
Here is Beckers entire SEO Toolkit with templates.
Time to sell my moped (Learn up on keyword research) and get some KASH to throw at SEO!