Gymnastics training is some of the most potent neurological training available. Training with parallettes increases a wide range of functionality. It improves coordination, accuracy, agility, balance and strength.   Homemade parallettes are cheap, easy to make and you’ll be able to pass them down to your kids.

Parallettes Measurement
Homemade Parallette Measurements

You’ll need 10 feet of 1 1/2″ PVC, 4 Elbows, 4 T’s, 8 End caps, PVC Glue and Primer. You’ll also need a way to cut and measure. Fine -tooth handsaws work well. I enlisted the help of the guy at Home Depot. Cost less than $40.

The parallettes have a very straightforward. Once you have all the pieces, prime them with the purple nerple and stick them together with PVC glue. In the video below I break this process down in more detail and try them out for myself.

There are infinite progressions available on the parallettes.  As you can see in the video I still have a lot of progress to make. There are a variety of exercise that will light you up.  Each one has progressions you can make to challenge yourself as you get stronger.  Below I will link out to some of the best videos that teach you how to do each one. Hopefully soon I’ll be able to model the postures myself!

L-Sit strengthens your arms core and legs.  Achieving a proper L-sit is vital for building the strength required for more advanced positions.

Variation of L-Sit
Variation of L-Sit

Tuck Planche is necessary for working on your planche. It is necessary for building the proper whist strength.  You can also do  ball planche push-ups.

Tuck Planche
Tuck Planche

Other exercises for building initial stregnth include Straddle Press to Handstand Against WallHandstand Pushups Against Wall, Push-ups, Raised Leg Dips, and Handstand Forward 1/2 Pirouettes.

Handstand Forward 1/2 Pirouettes
Handstand Forward 1/2 Pirouettes

GMB fitness does a great job with their videos.  They have a 5 part parallette exercise workout routine on youtube. It goes much deeper than just static exercises.